PISIQ has been ranked in the Top 5 Companies in UAE by CrunchBase

United Arab Emirates, Dubai: PISIQ’s CTO Mudar Muhissen put together a meeting with Space Elevator Guru Dr Bradley C. Edwards.

The CEO Nihal Mohammad Shaikh was present in the meeting alongside PISIQ Smart Material Technical Lead for the technical discussion on Carbon NanoTube and Graphene in materials that could be used in space exploration and development.

Dr Bradley Edwards is very well known in the field of space elevator and carbon nanotubes, he has spent over 12 years on coming up with advanced space technologies. Dr Bradley has also been granted funding from NASA previously to examine and publish his proposed papers with regards to space elevator and overcoming perceived obstacles such as orbital debris, anchoring, climber design, and power delivery and examined construction costs and scheduling, laying the groundwork for current.

The meeting was held over a video call platform Google Meets, and the meeting was quite successful on both ends. 

PISIQ would be collaborating with Dr Bradley with regards to building certain materials in the future while PISIQ’s team and facilities could support Dr Bradley’s R&D utilities. 

PISIQ has also discussed with Dr Bradley the possibilities of collaborating to work on Defense based projects, utilizing special materials and developing products and special uses that could benefit the defense industry with the weight and strength in mind. Graphene and carbon nanotubes are known to be materials that can increase the strength of materials while helping them gain conductivity as well as reducing the weight of the overall material.

See also references: https://menafn.com/1102183132/PISIQ-has-been-ranked-in-the-Top-5-Companies-in-UAE-by-CrunchBase
