
Internet Of Things (IOT) | AI & Automation | PISIQ

Internet Of Things AKA IOT


The Internet of Things, an emerging and increasingly crucial feature for technologies in the modern, expanding world of artificial Intelligence (and biometrics). Uniform communication, automation and efficiency, it plays a major role in the classification. And position of innovative tech in that any user device which generally utilizes the internet to extend usage. And provide an accessible and intelligent user experience may come under the understanding of IoT.

What is the Internet of Things?

Internet Of Things IOT - Artificial Intelligence AI - Intelligent Hardware - Automation | PISIQ

It’s the categorical definition of the IoT as; that which brings the power of the internet, capacity of data processing. And analytics to the real world of physical devices. Systems (biometrics), appliances and technology. It can be said that all this is enabled by the machine learning technology which finds its roots in the basic concepts in a vision for intelligent systems using Ai.

Anything that enables businesses, organizations, consumers and governments to connect their IoT devices. Including remotes, robotics, biometrics, dashboards, networks, gateways, analytics, artificial intelligence. Automation, data storage, and security, machine learning, all of these components and recent innovation in technology and various industries, make up the ecosystem.

Impact of IOT – Artificial Intelligence Empowerment (AI)

The Internet of Things has use in many different aspects of life, for both consumers, businesses as well as in both private and public sectors. Thanks to IoT, people can manage and track objects, their security systems. Or check schedules and be kept up to date by their digital assistants. These things are heavily embedded into ecosystems and produce the desired outcomes or better. It could be said that Artificial Intelligence AI will be present everywhere with the help of Internet of things.

Consumers can use the IoT to help them make, reservations for hotels or restaurants, monitor their exercise (biometrics), work and any sort of progress and overall activity (machine learning), automatically add items for checkout, provide accurate recommendations and offers only by virtue of interacting and having a presence, smart house lighting and security, smart automobiles are a textbook example of what kind of bearing services and utilities can have on our lives.

Businesses can use IoT to monitor efficiency, enable automation, direct machine learning systems, track clientele and collect their feedback, monitor and maintain intelligent inventory levels, engage in creation and maximize productivity of their machines and devices.

In Industries

The Internet of Things will have an influence on the bearing of a multitude of industries. And environments within the several groups of consumers, both governments and organizations. Ecosystems (Biometrics Systems) will overall benefit the greatest. These include but are not limited to the following industries;

Artificial Intelligence AI
Machine Learning
System Automation
Entity Defense
Global Agriculture
Corporate and Social Infrastructure
Government Level Security
Oil, Gas & Mining
Quantum Peripheral Technologies
Connected Living Spaces & Smart Systems
Food Services
Hospital & Healthcare

Research & Development – PISIQ

PISIQ‘s team believes in R&D innovations and creations of technology that could be revolutionary enough to make a change in how the world functions. PISIQ is an AI entity that represents Peripheral Systems in Quantum, basing it on these set of values. The team constantly tries to push the limits by using data intensive research alongside experiments that result in optimum and the most efficient solutions. That can be deployed as soon as they leave the research centers at PISIQ.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is IOT Internet of Things?” answer-0=”It’s the categorical definition of the IoT as; that which brings the power of the internet, capacity of data processing and analytics to the real world of physical devices, systems (biometrics), appliances and technology. It can be said that all this is enabled by the machine learning technology which finds its roots in the basic concepts in a vision for intelligent systems using Ai.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What can the Internet Of Things IOT be used in?”

answer-1=”The Internet of Things has use in many different aspects of life, for both consumers, businesses as well as in both private and public sectors. Thanks to IoT, people can manage and track objects, their security systems, or check schedules and be kept up to date by their digital assistants, these things are heavily embedded into ecosystems and produce the desired outcomes or better. It could be said that Artificial Intelligence AI will be present everywhere with the help of Internet of things.” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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