Research and Development – F.A.Q | PISIQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Research and Development at PISIQ

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is Research and Development?” answer-0=” Corporations and governments often undertake innovative activities through research and development to create new services or products, or to improve existing ones. ” image-0=”1880″ headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”In what fields do PISIQ’s teams conduct research in?” answer-1=”PISIQ’s teams conduct research in Smart materials, smart algorithms, smart systems, machine learning, deep learning, human psychology, etc. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What does PISIQ do with the conducted research data?” answer-2=”PISIQ’s teams use the data from the researches and develop systems that help in the fields of Artificial intelligence, Business intelligence, Intelligent hardware, and security.

Most of this data helps in optimization and development of solutions from scratch.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Is the data from the research open for public use?” answer-3=”While most of the data from PISIQ’s researches are confidential, PISIQ does release some of the highly optimized data publicly as open source code.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”What comes under PISIQ’s Research and Development program?” answer-4=”Funding of Research and Development, Research and Development Potential, R&D Innovations and Creations, Research Necessity, Patents, and Departments are the things that come under PISIQ’s R&D program.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Research is where it all begins - Research and Development | Services | PISIQ
PISIQ is first a Research and Development company before anything else. PISIQ’s team spends most of its resources and time on R&D for Innovations and Creations, Research Necessity, Patents, Human Psychology, Smart Hardware and Materials, Systems & Companies behavior, Artificial Intelligence, Information intelligence.

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