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Employer and Eligible employee interaction in an interview

Employer and eligible Employee interaction in an Interview

In my experience, it has been vital to understand that an employer is merely doing his job which is to hire the right candidate. Nonetheless, an employee must remember at all times that the employer CAN NOT disrespect them, CANNOT bully them, CANNOT act unprofessionally.

It is important for the employee to know their rights as a human first. Professionally the employee might be dependent on the employer for the job, however, without employees a company cannot run or function. The employee is to be respectful, assertive whenever needed, professional and truthful.

If you are to not get hired if you are honest about your experience and skills, then let the job go and find more suitable ones for yourself.

Confidence- Confidence is a state of being clear-headed either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.

You will find that an employer, however independent they may try to seem – would not have a place to exist and assert authority without you- the employee. Employees generate revenue for an organization. Employees make things happen within the organization. 

So one must always remember this attitude and information during an interview.

What CAN the employer do?
The employer CAN examine you, crosscheck you, ask you to prove certain skills, ask you questions about the field you have applied for and ask questions related to your past work experience and your past achievements. 

What CAN the employer NOT do?

Your employer CAN NOT threaten you, bully you, ask you personal questions, ask you inappropriate questions and behave unprofessionally. 

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