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Autonomous Systems | Artificial Intelligence AI | PISIQ

Autonomous Systems

What are Autonomous Systems?

Autonomous Systems may consist of Artificial Intelligence, which is generally used to refer to any autonomous entity which may act and direct said activity towards achieving given goals or objectives and achieving this through understanding (Machine Learning/Deep Learning) it’s environment using observational sensors and consequent actuators (which may define it as intelligence or Artificial Intelligence) AI may also need to learn or use knowledge to achieve their objectives. Ranging from very simple to very complex Machine Learning.

Autonomous Systems | Artificial Intelligence AI | PISIQ

Importance of Autonomous Systems;

In the 21st century, with the vast amounts of data that is generated by both humans and machines, it is imperative and important to innovate towards effective interpretation utilizing such peripheral data for the benefit of humanity, the effort to create useful systems and intelligent Artificial Intelligence well as Autonomous Systems comes with the understanding that the average human’s ability to absorb, interpret, and make complex decisions can be heavily improved and secured using deep learning (Machine Learning) and general Artificial Intelligence Empowerment, it will form and direct the basis for all computer learning and is the future of all complex decision making, As an example, Pew Research Center conducted a study where participants were given a scenario and requested to add their thoughts on it;

“By 2030, do you think it is most likely that advancing AI and related technology systems will enhance human capacities and empower them? That is, most of the time, will most people be better off than they are today? Or is it most likely that advancing AI and related technology systems will lessen human autonomy and agency to such an extent that most people will not be better off than the way things are today?”

An overwhelming 63% of respondents had said they are hopeful that most individuals will be mostly better off in 2030, a recent study from Redwood Software and Sapio Research underscores this view. Participants in the study said they believe that 60% of businesses can be automated in the next five years and that 70% say that robotics has become more of a priority in the last 12 months, furthermore, another survey showcased the key role that robotics will play in the digital transformation, a whopping 83% of respondents said that they considered robotic automation to be “essential” or “very important” to digital transformation of their companies.

Ultimately, it’s evident that Autonomous Systems & AI is extremely efficient at calculating situations, variables and factors to arrive at the best decision. AI (and its logical evolution of machine learning in Quantum) and deep learning are the foundational future of business decision making.

Artificial Intelligence Empowerment by PISIQ

The future is Autonomous, and AI has the largest role in this, from automation in daily tasks, meetings, appointments, schedules to shopping, travel and so much more in our personal lives, but that’s not all, even in the public sector can we see the incredible potential of Artificial Intelligence and Peripheral Systems, State and Ministry management, Government operations and work can be carried and managed efficiently, resourcefully, powerfully using solely dedicated AI, Government Level Security is guaranteed, even in complex of deep machine learning and biometrics can supercede human workers, giving them roles in more sensitive and important positions whilst maintaining the day to day tasks and operations through effective Quantum AI (Quantum Artificial Intelligence)

PISIQ‘s Autonomous Systems and AI technology has roles in Healthcare (AI Healthcare), Entertainment (AI entertainment), Management (AI management), Business, Government and nearly every manipulative aspect of life may come under the powerhouse of an AI ecosystem inevitably as computer power is growing, Peripheral Systems and Artificial Intelligence Empowerment is becoming more sophisticated and widespread, and, maybe most important of all, the world is generating incredibly large volumes of data, measured in the billions of terabytes every day, collected by virtually every industry. Thus, Everyday, AI is being more tightly interwoven & involved into almost every aspect of our lives, from our cars and medical devices to robots and entertainment.

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